The Last Dance:PowWow

Drums, bells, and beautifully decorated dance clothing filled the Activities and Recreation hall for the third and final PowWow of Indian Summer on Thursday evening. Nearly 200 Arrowmen dressed in their dance clothing took part in last night's event.

"It was cool to see all of the colorful feathers, and different dance styles," said Max S., member of Amangamek Wipit Lodge, National Capitol Area Council, Virginia. Max is an aspiring grass dancer, who plans on one day competing.

Dancing clothes critiques were offered outside of the building for those interested in improving their clothing. Previous NOAC judges for each of the dance styles, led the critiques. "It's great how they have people that do the judging at NOAC," said Ray P., a member of Lowwapaneu Lodge of Northeastern Pennsylvania Council, Scranton, PA. Members of the American Indian Activities committee handed out invitations to various dancers who will dance at tonight's Closing Gathering.

Drums were a critical part of the PowWow, brought by lodges from such states as California, Illinois, and North Carolina. The singing and beating of the drums could be heard by other Ridgecrest guests passing by, adding a sense of wonder to all who could hear.

"It's great to see the many young dancers out there enjoying the fun. That's what our staff is here for and what our Order is about," said Brent Wessel, American Indian Activities Program Vice Chief.

Revised 8/05/2011