Arrowmen arrive at Ridgecrest, NC to begin their week at Indian Summer. Unpacking gear was top priority to begin the week.
Arrowmen Join Nations to Form Bonds of Brotherhood
Monday night Arrowmen joined a nation, tribe, and clan to being their week. Clans met Tuesday night to discuss Servant Leadership and all four nations will assemble on Wednesday night for a Gathering of Nations.
Activities and Recreation: ARC
Guests at Indian Summer take part in a wide variety of activities from the Brave Cave to volleyball, dodgeball, basketball and open gym. ARC is responsible for the conservation project to improve the 1.4 mile Rhododendron Trail at Ridgecrest.
Meet the Arrowmen at Indian Summer and learn their answer to our daily question.
Meet Northeast Region Chief Travis Cunningham
Get to know Northeast Region Chief Travis and learn about the activities he enjoys in the great outdoors.
Revised 8/02/2011