The National Council of Chiefs (NCOC) consisted of all the lodge chiefs and lodge advisers from across the nation. Under the leadership of the National Chief, National Vice Chief, and the four Region Chiefs, this committee worked on new plans and ideas for the Order of the Arrow.
The NCOC for this year covered many new topics and what changes to expect in the Order in the next few years. Many of these ideas were introduced at the 1999 National Leadership Summit held in Colorado. These topics ranged from the Quality Lodge awards and what the new requirements will be to the new role of the section and the new Troop Representative program.
The participants were then broken down into groups where they were given time to discuss what the best ways of Brotherhood conversion, attendance at Lodge Events, Camp Promotion visits and Where To Go Camping Booklets. Lodges where asked to give their input on how they accomplish these things and what works for them. Then each of the groups presented their top three ideas to the entire group.
The meeting ended with some closing remarks and awards by our National Chief, Carey Mignerey, collection of surveys and distribution of patches. Many of the Chiefs and Lodge Advisers had good words to say about this meeting and what they will do to bring back this information to their Lodges.
Michael F., Lodge Chief from Wipala Wilki Lodge 432 in Grand Canyon Council, commented that "this training was great and I can’t wait to get back to my lodge to implement some of the new ideas." William S., from Kiskakon Lodge 75, said that he enjoyed what he saw and thinks the information was great and will be useful in his lodge.
Revised 7/31/00.