The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service
A History of the Order of the Arrow


The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service

The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service: A History of the Order of the Arrow has been revised, and is now available in its Third Edition. This book is an enlightening history of the Order of the Arrow. Since its initial printing, it has been nationally recognized as the authoritative source for Order of the Arrow historical facts. 

The book also includes 18 appendices, each of which contain nationally relevant historical records. In writing this book, the author has successfully crystallized much relevant historical information about the Order, and has perpetuated it for future generations to enjoy.

Written by Kenneth P. Davis, Ph.D., a member of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, this publication consists of twelve chapters that each focus on a specific phase of Order of the Arrow history, or an aspect of its operations.  Plaque dedication for the golden aniversary of Treasure Island

In this masterful new third edition, several major changes and additions have been added to the text and content of the publication. This new edition has successfully recorded and published the most up-to-date Order of the Arrow information.

There is also an updated appendix that includes the latest Distinguished Service Award, and Red Arrow Award recipients.

One of the highlights of this new edition is the recently added chapter on the history of the years 1996-2000. This new chapter includes a comprehensive record of the 1999 National Leadership Summit, scholarship recipients, and recipients of the service grants.

The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service: A History of the Order of the Arrow is a must have for all Arrowmen. This book makes a great study guide for quiz games such as OA Jeopardy, or as a great source of historical facts for new officers and advisers. 

The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service: A History of the Order of the Arrow, is now available for sale from the national OA office. (Order of the Arrow-BSA, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079). The book retails for $15 plus $3 shipping. Make checks and money orders payable to Order of the Arrow, BSA.

Revised 09/20/00.