Web Chair's Welcome

Welcome to NOAC 2000, live from Knoxville, Tennessee! As the 2000 NOAC Web Site Chairman, it is my honor to officially welcome you to the site and it is my pleasure to be able to help send a little piece of NOAC back home to each of you.

This year's Conference promises to be one of the best ever, and the web site staff will be there to cover every minute of it. During the week, we will be updating the site twice a day, so be sure to check back early and often to see the most up to date pictures, competition results, and other NOAC news!

While you are here visiting the site, be sure to check out the lines at the Trading Post, take a peek inside of a UT dorm room, and submit your questions for the "Cyber Meet the Man" discussion.

On behalf of the entire web site staff, thank you for taking the time to visit the National Order of the Arrow Conference Web Site, we hope you enjoy your visit.

Yours In Service,

Aaron Kreager
2000 NOAC Web Site Chairman