Cyber Meet The Man

Participants at NOAC 2000 can meet and talk with the top leaders of Boy Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. This is an opportunity for them to get the latest information, and ask any questions they may have.

For the first time ever, NOAC 2000 will let the folks back home participate in this event. Interested Arrowmen may submit their own questions for these top leaders via email. Due to time limits, only some of the questions will be used. Selected questions and answers will be posted on the site after the event.

National Boy Scout Division Professionals

Questions for the National Boy Scout Division Professionals must be sent in by Monday, July 31, before 12:00 noon EDT. The professional staff from the National Boy Scout Division will be available to answer questions from Scouts and Scouters about camping and conservation, Boy Scout training programs, Boy Scout advancement, the National Eagle Scout Association, and the Order of the Arrow.

National Order of the Arrow Committee

Questions for the National Order of the Arrow Committee must be sent in by Tuesday, August 1, before 12:00 noon EDT. Members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee will be available to answer questions from Scouts and Scouters about OA policy, national programs, 2000 NOAC, and the new OA Strategic Plan (1998 - 2000).

The deadline to submit questions has now passed. Thanks for sending in your questions!

Revised 8/1/00.