The American Indian Show, was the highly anticipated third show of the week at NOAC 2000. The show's title A way of Life highlighted different American Indian cultures and traditions, and feature the best signers and dancers that the Order has to offer. The show was preceded by the usual music, the ever funny Be Prepared, Who wants to be in the National Committee Seats, and finally with a highlights video of the Day in Review. |
Arrowmen were then told of the Blanket Dance and it's purpose at powwows today. It is traditionally used to show appreciation for the good music and dance. It is also used to donate to some special cause, in our case it was used donate to the Maury Clancy Campership Fund which is used to assist American Indian Scouts by providing camp scholarships for those who might otherwise not be able to afford a summer camp experience.
Cameron also informed Arrowmen about what is happening in both of these programs this summer. He encourage Arrowmen to participate and informed them how to apply for these programs.
At the conclusion of the show, Arrowmen heard a recording of founder made at the 1963 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Dr. Goodman, had spoken on how Arrowmen should view their dancing and ceremonies as living tributes to the early Americans, to pay back some of the debt owed to them. Arrowmen departed as the narrator left them with these thoughts:
As you leave here tonight, we hope that you will take a small part of what you have witnessed and keep it with you. In the words of the Lakota, "Pilamaya. Wakan Tanka nici un. Ake hwo."---Thank you. May the great spirit go with you and guide you.
Revised 8/02/00.