Order of the Arrow
History Museum

OA history buffs enjoyed a special treat at this conference, the expanded OA Museum.

The museum’s staff worked long and hard to acquire the great attractions in the museum, including an exhibit from the North Star Scouting Museum, a uniform worn by E. Urner Goodman, the National Chief's and National Vice Chief's bonnets, a huge patch map where visitors can donate a patch from their lodge and the Terry Grove Eagle Collection.

National Chief and Vice Chief's Bonnets

There also are tons of patches and old OA memorabilia. The OA Museum also includes two new special features: the living history exhibit and lodge displays.

The Living History exhibit is a new highlight of the conference. Several members, and past members of the National Committee are being interviewed by museum staff in order to provide an oral history of the Founders and the early days of the Order. "I think this is a great thing," Says Dr. Carl Marchetti, National OA Committee member. "We have always had trouble preserving this type of history."

Arrowman viewing patches Arrowmen of all ages enjoyed the Order of the Arrow History Museum at NOAC.

By continuing to preserve OA history, we crystallize our values for generations to come.

Revised 8/01/00.