Section Leadership Dinner

Brotherhood Chorus

The Section Leadership Dinner came about to let the section officers know the status of the National Order at each NOAC.  It also serves as an excellent point to note what the different sections are currently planning. Pre-dinner entertainment was provided by the Brotherhood Band and Chorus.
Some of the areas on the agenda for the evening were a power point presentation, by Andy Oh, covering the status and promotion of our two on-going programs: The Northern Tier Wilderness Voyage and the Philmont Trail Crew.

Andy Oh Presentation

Section C-1B officers eating

The Service to America status was also updated, along with the hours the Boy Scouts are at nationally. The National Chief, Carey Mignery, congratulated three sections for outstanding achievement in support of the Service to America program.  Those sections were, C-2A, W-4C, N-E3A.

After all of this, the officers enjoyed a nice meal and heard from Brad Haddock, National OA Chairman.  Mr. Haddock was the keynote speaker for the evening. Brad shared his experiences, as a young Scout, National Chief,  and in other positions he has held. Mr. Haddock also spent time reminiscing about campouts, NOAC and other events.

Mr. Haddock also discussed the aims of Boy Scouting and he challenged the section leaders to truly live the Scout oath and law. To end the dinner, the section officers were given knives engraved with an arrowhead and the words "NOAC 2000" as memento's of their service. Complimentary Knife

 Revised 8/2/00.