Justin Boren - CVC
Shawn Jeffers - Central Region Coordinator
Pat Boyd - Northeast Region Coordinator
Kevin Anderson - Southern Region Coordinator
Brock Ostrander - Western Region Coordinator
Jayson Watts - Needs and Logistics Coordinator
Dave Petrush - Publications
Hayato Natkawatase - Task Force
Mike Hoffman - Lead Adviser
Ed Lebenne - Assoc. Lead Adviser
Mat Milleson - Ass't. Lead Adviser
Steve Silbiger - Task Force Lead Adviser
James Arriola - Task Force Lead Adviser
Joe Shore - Evaluations Lead Adviser
Ken Peterson - Central Region Training Adviser
Bob Sirhal - Northeast Region Training Adviser
Dan Musik - Southern Region Training Adviser
Scott Beckett - Western Region Training Adviser
Clint Takeshita - Needs and Logistics Adviser
Don Chilcote - Staff Adviser
Training Cells
Founder's Day Training
Revised 6/02/00.