Founder's Day Committee

Key Youth Committee Members and Assignments
Key Adult Committee Advisers and Assignments
Preliminary Program Plans for the Conference
What Makes Founder's Day So Cool?

Key Youth Committee Members and Assignments:

Will Empey - Conference Vice Chief
Josh Glacken - Extravaganza, Edson Entertainment, & Parade
Jonathan Liljegren - Goodman Games
Alex Tokunaga - Founder's Fair, Carnival, & Silk Screen

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Key Adult Committee Advisers and Assignments:

Dave Halliday - Lead Adviser
Douglas C. Fullman - Staff Adviser
Del Loder - Extravaganza, Edson Entertainment, & Parade Adviser
Chuck Haseman - Goodman Games Adviser
Brian Hashiro - Founder's Fair, Carnival, & Silk Screen Adviser

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Preliminary Program Plans for the Conference:

Morning - Test Yourself

Afternoon - And So Discover

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What Makes Founder's Day So Exciting:

The Extravaganza is a motivational and exciting show to convey the message of Founder's Day. The Goodman Games include a variety of personal and team building games that challenge and test Arrowmen. Each game is fun for the Arrowmen while remaining challenging. Founder's Fair is a compilation of National and Regional programs and lodge booths. The Fair is a great way to showcase your regional or local area and will include inflatables and other carnival-like activities. The whole day is fun and exciting!

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Revised 04/22/02