Extreme High Adventure

The Extreme High Adventure staff at NOAC 2002 offered conference participants the opportunity to try a myriad of high adventure activities. From kayaking to climbing to air rifles to scuba, NOAC 2002 had it all.

Arrowmen Discover Scuba

Scouts breathing underwater

Before going under, the group is given instruction on how the scuba gear works and how to use it from trained dive instructors. After learning about the equipment and how to be neutrally bouyant under water, the Scouts go under.


Learning about BCDs Scouts underwater Scouts at the bottom of the pool

All the scuba diving took place in the University's indoor pool. With NOAC's hot temperatures it is no surprise that many participants visited scuba!


Arrowmen in Kayaks

Along with Scuba, participants had an opportunity to experience kayaking on the open waters...well -- in the open waters of the University's pool.

In the pictures below, Scouts experienced paddling and rolling their kayaks.


Kayak rolling


Climb On!

on the wall For those partcipants not interested in the water, the conference offered an outdoor climbing wall, challenging for both the novice or the experienced climber.


Clear on the Range!

The Conference also offered shooting at the premire shooting venue on campus.

the range

Revised 7/29/02