Lodge Web Site Competition

With the spread of the information super highway a half decade ago, Lodges began creating web sites. Since that time, this new communication tool has been used by hundreds of Lodges from around the nation. To help Lodges improve their Web Sites, the Communications Committee ran a Lodge Web Site Competition at the National OA Conference. Lodges submitted their web address to the Communications Committee, who then judged the sites using the criteria below.

"Judging Criteria", issued July 27,2002.    (93.6 Kbyte PDF file, 2 page)

Results of the competition were announced on Founders Day. Scores and comments were available at the National OA Web Site Booth at Founders Day.

Online Version Format

The online version of the Website Judging Criteria are in "Portable Document Format" (PDF).

Get Information about this format and how to read it.

Revised 7/27/02b