Camping Promotion Visit Competition

Boy Scouting is designed to take place outdoors. It is in the outdoor setting that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with one another. The Camping Promotion Visits are designed to promote Camping within the unit and camping at the Council camp(s).

John Neilson representing his lodge, Wiatava #13, in the Camping Promotions Visit Competition

The Camping Promotion Visit Competition is based on the Camping Promotions that most lodges do for units in their Council. Generally a unit would have an Arrowman or a small team of Arrowman come visit their unit meeting and promote the local council camp(s) for the unit.

These presentations should include details about their council camps and the oppuortunities available there for campers and staff. This more specifically includes the cost of the camp(s), the activities offered at the camp(s), handouts about the camp(s) itself, and quite possibly a "Where to go Camping" guidebook. The presentations also should be at most 20 minutes long, well rehearsed, and well organized.

Revised 7/28/02