Web Site Staff: Team B

With the National Order of the Arrow Conference at its largest attendance ever, it has become the mission and purpose of the NOAC 2002 Live! staff to expand the conference every day by thousands through our live Internet presence. Over the course of the conference, we will bring you the faces of the participants through photographs, their energy through video clips, and the feeling of being here through 360 degree photo views. The training resources that we provide will give Arrowmen across the country new ideas in strengthening their lodge program. So much of NOAC is being brought to you live from Bloomington.

We have also worked hard to be an early source of news concerning new developments in the Order of the Arrow at the national level. Already at this conference, the National OA Committee has unveiled the new Guide to Inductions and the new 2003-2008 Strategic Plan. More information on both of these important new resources will be available very soon.

We hope that this daily taste of NOAC 2002 will make you long to attend NOAC 2004 at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Please check with your lodge early to ensure that you can join your lodge contingent at the next great National Order of the Arrow Conference. If you have attended a NOAC before, check into joining the NOAC staff to provide support for all the vital programs and areas at our national conference. Thank you for joining us on NOAC 2002 Live!

Yours in Service,

Adam Hanna
Web Team B Leader

Revised 7/29/02.