The NOAC Discoverer is the official publication of the 2002 National Order of the Arrow Conference. It is published daily by the Communications Subcommittee of the National Conference Committee. Printed copies are available for pick up at breakfast, located at all the dining centers.
Issues of the NOAC Discoverer are also available in PDF format online through this web site. (The online version is a complete copy of the printed version, but will appear in a lower resolution.)
Saturday July 27, 2002
(volume XXVIII, issue 1)
(1.5 Mbyte PDF file)
Sunday July 28, 2002
(volume XXVIII, issue 2)
(960 Kbyte PDF file)
Monday July 29, 2002
(volume XXVIII, issue 3)
(1.5 Mbyte PDF file)
Tuesday July 30, 2002
(volume XXVIII, issue 4)
(1.1 Mbyte PDF file)
Wednesday July 31, 2002
(volume XXVIII, issue 5)
(1.1 Mbyte PDF file)
Thursday August 1, 2002
(volume XXVIII, issue 6)
(560 Kbyte PDF file)
The online version of the NOAC Today is in "Portable Document Format" (PDF).
Get Information about this format and how to read it.
Revised 8/01/02.