Section Gatherings
Monday and Tuesday nights sections throughout NOAC gathered to discuss future plans, celebrate accomplishments, and share fun and fellowship.
Monday night's gatherings included Sections C-5, C-3B, C-3B, C-1B, NE-1A, NE-1B, NE-2C, NE-4C,
SR-6N and SR-6B. Some Sections meeting on Tuesday night will include W-3A, W-3B, W-1, and NE-3A. Meeting sites ranged from grassy quads to air-conditioned dining rooms.
Central Region Chief, Brian Herren, chats with a young arrowman at a Section gathering.
Section gatherings offered participants the opportunity to meet and talk with Section and Region officers. |
Food and silly hats made section gatherings fun.
Section officers used themed costumes to encourage attendance at future section events.
Informal discussions allow section officers to gather ideas and meet lodge members.
The accomplishments of section dancers, ceremonial teams, and sports teams were celebrated at the section gatherings.