The Best NOAC Ever

The 2002 NOAC was the largest in the history of the Order. Here some of the facts that made this year's NOAC the biggest and best ever.

NOAC 2002 was home to 7,146 staff, participants, and guests, making this truly the largest NOAC in history. The largest contingent in attendace is from Mikanakawa Lodge #101 from Circle Ten Council, with 110 Arrowmen in attendance. The smallest contingent, with only 2 Arrowmen, is from Askokwahta Lodge #339 from the Iroquois Trail Council. The Lodge that traveled the farthest to participate in NOAC is the Black Eagle Lodge #482 from the Trans-Atlantic Council, followed closely by the Lodge from Puerto Rico.

Each Indiana Univeristy bus lodged 120 miles each day on shuttle runs making a grand total of over 3,500 miles for the conference. With 292 Lodges in attendance and over one hundred spoof flaps, there are over 600 NOAC 2002 Lodge flaps. In Indiana Univeristy dining facilities, over 107,190 paper plates were used.

All these things helped to make the 2002 National Order of the Arrow Conference the biggest and best ever. Thank you to all those you came to make it big and worked to make it great.

Revised 7/26/02.