Meet the Man

National Directors take questions at Meet the Man

Today's session of "Meet the Man" featured the National Directors:

Here are some of the questions asked by Arrowmen while at the conference or submitted from the web site along with answers provided by the National Directors.

Q: Have any of you every met either of the founders of our organizations?
A: Bates: "Yes, I met E. Urner Goodman at a conference at the University of Kansas."

Q: What were your eagle projects?
A: Alline: "For my Eagle project I organized a morning recreation program for a local park and ran it for the summer with the coordination of other volunteers."

Q: What is considered the complete Class A uniform?
A: Glasscock: "First, there is no Class A uniform--there is full and activity. The full uniform consists of scout shirt, belt, pants, socks, and hat when outdoors."

Q: Would it be possible to change the time frame of NOAC?
A: Mayer: "We realize that NOAC is close to school, but we have to keep it close to school and as late as possible in the summer because our goal is to assist the scouts and as it is the last couple of weeks of summer camp local councils lose staff to NOAC."

Q: Will the National Committee be offering some lower impact programming for members that cannot handle the high adventure?
A: Miller: "We feel that we offer the high adventure in order to balance the programs that we offer. There are many programs such as Scoutreach. We would like to see the Order take over Webelos graduations and work more with the Cub Scout Program."

Q: My council recently made Metro Status, what does that mean and what are the benefits?
A: "Metro Status simply means you have reached a certain number of scouts in your council, and have been designated Metro to make sure that the executives that work with you have handled a Council of that size before."

Q: Why is paintball against Boy Scout regulations as a troop activity?
A: Lawson: "Basically we have to look at what is safe for the boys, and make the decision based on that. We now have also classified some activities as age appropriate."

Revised 7/30/02a