The Craft Extravaganza is scheduled for Saturday July 31, 2004. No registration is required before the contingent registration at NOAC. Arrowmen who wish to display their crafts must register with the American Indian Activities Booth at the contingent registration site on Saturday July 31, 2004.
The site of the Extravaganza will be available during registration. The crafts should be checked from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm at the Extravaganza site. The items will be judged and displayed during the Gathering of Nations before the Opening Arena Show
An Arrowman who is under the age of twenty-one (21), and a registered conference participant must solely make all entries. There is a limit of two (2) entries per participant. All entries will be judged on the quality of workmanship and authenticity.
Extravaganza categories for entries are:
1. Beadwork
2. Quill Work
3. Bustles
4. Headdresses (roaches, bonnets)
5. Other
Ribbons will be awarded in each category. A "Best of
Show" will be awarded.
Any Questions should be addressed to:
Craft Extravaganza
2657 Halifax Drive
Middletown, OH, 45055
[American Indian Activities Committee Info]
Revised 4/28/04.