Key Youth Committee
Members and Assignments
Key Adult Committee
Advisers and Assignments
& Preliminary Program Plans for the Conference
Gil Rogers - Conference Vice Chief
Patrick Murphy - Program Training Coordinator
Brandon Bubeck - Inspiration Training Coordinator
Sean Teegarden - Needs and Logistics Coordinator
Rob Rosamond - Administration Training Coordinator
Will Beckstrom - Service Training Coordinator
Mike Hoffman - Lead Adviser
Steve Bradley - Controller
Mark Chilutti - Service Training Adviser
Bud Harrelson - Administration Training
Carey Mignerey - Needs and Logistics Adviser
Kevin Moshier - Inspiration Training Adviser
Ken Peterson - Program Training Adviser
Clint Takeshita - Human Resources
Gene Wadford - Staff Adviser
It is the goal of the 2004 National Order of the Arrow Conference Training Committee to provide quality administration, program, service and inspirational training to the 7,000+ participants at NOAC 2004 through the recruitment of the “best of the best” trainers from across the country and using an evolved form of the cell-method of training, utilizing both job-specific and programmatic training methods. The bottom-line is, we will provide the best training the Order of the Arrow has ever seen!
Leadership, Program, and Administration Training Course Information
Revised 2/28/04