Q: What are the plans for bus service for those lodges flying into Iowa?
A: Special arrangements have been made for airport shuttle service for the 2004 NOAC. The service will be available for airport pickup (only) on Saturday, July 31 with a return to the airport (only) on Thursday morning, August 5th. Those using the shuttle service should book a flight to get into the Des Moines International Airport preferably by 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 31 and book a return flight on Thursday, August 5th as early in the day as possible.
You should make your plans based upon the available flights from your home airports and then enter your requests for the shuttle on the event online registration web site, www.noacregistration.com, in the "Update Travel Details" section of the contingent leader page. If your lodge is coming in split groups, the ability to enter the various arrival/departure times, flights, and quantity of people is available. The cost for the round trip transportation from the Des Moines airport to ISU and back will be $25 per person.
The shuttle will operate on a regular basis and will take you directly to the NOAC registration area at the university. The shuttles will be picking up riders (about 40 people per bus) on the lower (main) level outside of the baggage claim area. IU and NOAC representatives will be in that area of the airport to assist you to the bus loading platform. Please be prepared to provide confirmation of your group request when loading onto the shuttle.
Revised 6/14/04