There are several great reasons to come to the National Order of the Arrow Conference!
NOAC is the national gathering for
the Order of the Arrow. Arrowmen from all over the country come together
and have a great time on a beautiful college campus. Arrowmen stay in
dorms, eat in the
cafeterias and have a blast attending the events throughout the campus.
No matter if this is your first NOAC or you are a veteran conference attendee,
there will be something new there to do along with many old favorites.
A key part of NOAC is sharing knowledge and learning new ideas.
One of the best ways to learn at NOAC is through the formal
training sessions that take place.
This is a chance for Arrowmen to share new ideas and suggestions
of some of the best trainers in the country. They present sessions
on various topics that range from being an efficient officer to
the meaning of the customs and traditions of the Order of the Arrow.
Another way to get important ideas are through demonstrations, workshops
and talking to other Arrowmen. Although more informal, this way of
learning can be just as fun. Not to forget, attending NOAC is
probably the best way to meet the National Officers. These young
men make the Order of the Arrow the way it is. They liked to be
questioned and told new ideas.
American Indian Activities are another of the traditional events
that take place at NOAC. They include
many training sessions and workshops, as well as chances for
lodges with individuals interested in American Indian dancing
and singing a chance to perform for a panel of judges. During
Founders Day, there is usually a Pow Wow in which the American
Indian Events participants are encouraged to take part.
There is a dazzling array of regalia and talent.
Ceremonies have also been a part of NOAC for many years. Lodges can enter teams in Pre-Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil evaluations. Judges give recommendations on how the team can become better. The goal of these events is for the participants to become better through the evaluation. The participants have put a lot of time and effort into practicing and it is incredible to watch them. Seeing other teams gives lodges ideas on what they would like their own teams to be like. Those interested in ceremonies can also attend training sessions on all aspects of our ceremonies.
Another set of exciting events are the sports and competitions.
These activities give those lodges who are willing to sweat and
have some fun a chance to
take home a trophy in basketball, volleyball, or a ton of others
events. If you are the type of person who prefers a less physical
approach, OA Jeopardy can challenge your mind. Also, patch
trading can be very fulfilling. There is a sense of fascination
watching some of the patch trading experts in action.
All the lodges that attend have patches that are unique and very
well designed. Not only is it fun to see all of the different
designs from the various lodges, but patch trading is a great
fellowship opportunity. Don't pass up an opportunity to take
part in the fun.
Founders Day is a day at NOAC where the original founders of Order of
the Arrow are
celebrated. A Midway is set up and lodges do all kinds of displays
and activities. One of the most popular activities during
Founders Day is the silk-screening of T-shirts. Make sure you
bring a plain T-shirt so you too can have the Founders Day logo
silkscreened on. Lodges do many different things that generally
reflect the part of the country they are from. They may cook
food associated with their hometown or bring pictures and
memorabilia to distribute. Anyway you look at it, Founders Day is
another great way to meet new folks and have fun.
For the entertainment lover in all of us, the shows are
definitely worth going to. This is an opportunity for all
the Arrowmen to pack into a theater for a brilliant display
of lights flashing, music playing, and Arrowmen having a
blast. In case you missed it earlier, you can usually catch
a glimpse of the best American Indian Activity participants at
the American Indian Show. The
Theme show is made spectacular with the use of outstanding special
effects, such as laser light shows and fireworks. The shows
are also where many of the important awards are handed out to
those Arrowmen who have shown exceptional service.
There are so many more activities at NOAC that you cannot
possibly do them all. Besides those mentioned above, there
are such things as
The Outdoor Adventure Place (TOAP), Special Events, VIPs,
Regional Gatherings, Religious Services, Displays and Exhibits,
and much more. There's also a Conference Newspaper, Radio
Station, Band, Chorus, Trading Post, and still more!
Check out the highlights of the last NOAC, held at the Indiana University, in 2002.
But the overall best reason to attend NOAC is this will probably be the most fun you have ever had in five straight days! For whatever reason you decide to attend NOAC, we guarantee that it will be one of the best memories you have of the Order of the Arrow!
Revised 02/26/04