NOAC Participants Begin Their Journey!

Throughout the day on Saturday, contingents from around the nation and several foreign countries arrived at Michigan State University.  Registration, orientation, and then migration into the residence halls ensued.

The Legend Lives On

The theme for this year's conference is "The Legend Lives On". Learn how the theme was selected and the planning process that goes into preparation for this year's conference the largest in the history of NOAC.

Welcome from the Web Site Conference Vice Chief

Conference Vice Chief of the NOAC Live! Web Site, Andy Collins, shares some of the many new features and content updated daily during NOAC 2006.

Welcome from the National Officers

Read the welcome message from Sean Murray, the 2006 National Chief of the Order of the Arrow, and Chris Schildknecht, the National Vice Chief, to all of the participants at NOAC.

Daily Features

American Indian Expo Kicks Off NOAC

NOAC kicked off this year with the American Indian Expo in which participants were able to learn about many American Indian customs and to observe a variety of American Indian regalia on display for all to see.

Trading Posts Open For Business

The NOAC Trading Posts are now open for business. Participants can shop for many unique items including shirts, hats, patches and even plush toy bears.

High Adventure Hoopla Welcomes Arrowmen

The Activities and Recreation Committee hosted activities and games based on the OA's three High Adventure opportunities and aptly named the event High Adventure Hoopla.

Your Guide to NOAC: Information Booths

Information Booths provide the details for Arrowmen finding their way at NOAC in addition to a cheerful smile.

Arrowmen Get Rewarded
for Participation

The NOAC Participation Award was designed to encourage Arrowmen to get the most from their conference experience.

Staff Gathering

The National OA Conference Staff has been hard at work preparing for the largest and best NOAC in our organization's history. Friday night, in place of the usual Staff Show, there was a Staff Gathering outside of Brody Complex for food fun and fellowship!

Where is East Lansing?

Find out exactly where East Lansing is in the great state of Michigan, the location of this year's conference.

Conference Food Drive

The Activities and Recreation Committee (ARC) held a food drive to collect non-perishable food items to help the less fortunate and needy in the Lansing area.

The Voice of NOAC - 95.3 FM "The Arrow"

"The Arrow" the voice of NOAC is back on the air at 95.3 FM. Broadcasting from 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM each day the "The Arrow" is the official radio station of NOAC 2006.

NOAC Code of Conduct

All participants and staff must follow the high standards of NOAC.

Explanation of Banner Graphic

Description of images used to build the banner at the top of the page.

Revised 7/30/2006