Under the direction of Conference Vice Chief Andy Collins of Grand Monadnock Lodge, Nashua Valley Council #230 in Lancaster, MA, the 18 members of the NOAC Live! Web Team strive daily to bring NOAC to the world through the Internet. From as far south as Tennessee and as far north as Massachusetts, web team members blanket NOAC events all over the MSU campus to provide experiential information and news allowing online visitors to better understand what it is like to be at NOAC.
The NOAC Live Web Site was launched at the 1998 national conference and each year is improved with new technologies and more diverse content to enhance the online user experience. One of the new features of the site this year is "blogs." Several participants have volunteered their time to share their personal experiences at NOAC this year by creating daily entries in blogs (short for "web logs") here on the NOAC Live Web Site. You can read the blogs each day by clicking on the Blogs button on the right of this screen. Check in to see NOAC through the eyes of other Arrowmen in the blogs area.
Another new, cutting-edge enhancement is Podcasting. Podcasts are audio files distributed through through the web and are automatically updated when a subscriber's media player is synchronized. The Podcasts will carry a variety of information like interviews with the region chiefs, random interviews with participants about their experiences and addresses given by national officers and others at the daily NOAC shows. To subscribe to NOAC's free Podcast, just click on the link to the right entitled "Podcasts" and follow the instructions. Be sure to sync your media player often to keep getting the latest Podcasts delivered daily.
No matter where you are in the world, you can virtually experience NOAC with the online features created by the NOAC Live Web Team at http://live.oa-bsa.org. It's the next best thing to being at NOAC!