On Saturday Evening, just prior to the opening show for this year's National Order of the Arrow Conference, Arrowmen gathered on Munn Field for this year's Gathering of Indian Nations.
The Gathering of Indian Nations showcased the four different styles of American Indian dances that Arrowmen perform: Northern Traditional, Grass, Southern Straight, and Fancy dance. After opening with a Flag Dance and Grand Entrance, the Gathering of Indian Nations allowed the opportunity for American Indian Activities staff to demonstrate the particular styles of dance that will be judged during the competitions. This demonstration was primarily the adults and staff, instead of the participants who will be showing their skills later this week.
Because the participants in this show were primarily staff members, no awards were given beyond the honor of performing before their fellow Arrowmen. Those who were there to watch the performances enjoyed another of the many opportunities at NOAC for fellowship and meeting other Arrowmen from around the country. For those Arrowmen who missed the Gathering of Nations, other opportunities to observe American Indian dancing will happen during the show on Monday night, and during the Pow-Wow which is planned for Founders' Day.