Adventurers Reunite at NOAC

On Tuesday afternoon, over 250 past participants of the OA Trail Crew, Wilderness Voyage, and Ocean Adventure program were invited to the OA High Adventure Reunion. The reunion offered a chance for participants to reunite with fellow crew members and reminisce on their shared experiences.

During the reunion, many individuals were recognized for their work with the OA High Adventure program, including the directors of the three programs for the last two years and the OA High Adventure Promotions Team.

Ed Pease, President of the Philmont Staff Association also spoke about a new project at the Philmont Scout Ranch that will be funded with the support of Order of the Arrow members. The PSA will be constructing a Philmont Staff Center that will be utilized by over 1,200 PSA members a year. The PSA has asked Order of the Arrow members to collectively pledge $25,000 to name two rooms in the new center after Gene Schnell and Steve Willis, who both have been instrumental in the success of the OA Trail Crew program.

National Committee Chairman Brad Haddock also spoke about the importance of the OA High Adventure programs and encouraged past participants to continue their hard work in promoting these programs as well as the ArrowCorps Five projects.

For the Arrowmen in attendance, the reunion was an outstanding opportunity to catch up with fellow crew members from around the nation and revel in past experiences and catch up on time spent apart.

For more information about any of the OA's three High Adventure programs - Trail Crew, Wilderness Voyage, and Ocean Adventure - visit