The NOAC Security Staff welcomes you to the Conference, and wish you a pleasant and safe visit in Bloomington. We ask that you review and abide by the National Order of the Arrow Conference 2009 Code of Conduct during your stay.
NOAC Security is located in Briscoe Room 202. Security office Emergency & General Information phone number is: x58636 using Campus phones, or (812) 855-8636
Look for Security Staff in the bright orange caps and tan shirts for assistance.
Enjoy the Conference, but please remain alert. Always lock your room door and never leave belongings unattended. YOU are responsible for YOUR valuables. We suggest that you lock your room, even if you'll be back "in just a minute", or you're "just visiting a friend in the next room".
Please make sure any valuables are not exposed in your vehicle. Do not tempt by keeping anything of value with your vehicle, particularly within view.
Lost & Found items are placed with Administrative Services, located in the Memorial Union, Georgian Room (3rd Floor). If you have lost an item, swing by and let them know. Found items may be taken there, or given to any NOAC Security Staff.
Parking on Campus: