Next Stop: NOAC 2012 Blog

NESA to celebrate 100th year of the Eagle Scout Award
Posted by Jonathan Hillis, 2011 National Chief - January 17, 2012

nesaEver heard of Arthur Eldred? In August of 1912, almost exactly one hundred years before our upcoming NOAC, he earned the very first Eagle badge. He was so ahead of the curve that he didn’t receive the actual badge until a month later, because the medals hadn’t even been produced yet.

So, as we began planning the 2012 National Conference, we realized that we had a unique opportunity to honor Arthur and the millions of Eagles that have followed in his footsteps—including many of you.

You see, the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) is currently in the process of completely redefining their focus. For years, they have supported young Eagle Scouts by giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships every year. Now, they’ve decided that that’s not enough.

NESA asked me to put together a focus group earlier this year to determine what is important to young Eagles, and to figure out how NESA can better support its young members. Our focus group was not shy about telling us some pretty cool ways they’d like to get support from their fellow Eagle Scouts—so we’re following through on those requests.

So, when you get to NOAC next summer, expect to see our friends from NESA there, celebrating the first century of Eagle Scouts and working to provide new, innovative programs to support the young Eagles of the future.

Look forward to Eagle Scout-themed parties, meet-ups, classes, and resources to help you get the most out of being a member of the elite rank of the Boy Scouts of America.

Is NOAC 2012 your next stop? To register, talk to your lodge chief, adviser or staff adviser and sign up! Arrowmen may only attend the conference with the lodge contingent or by staffing a NOAC committee.

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Revised 1/17/2012