Conference Leadership

Youth Planning Committee

The national conference is planned by youth members of the Order of the Arrow who are advised by members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee. Beginning in the fall prior to the conference, the current national chief, national chairman, the vice chairman for national events, and the OA team leader begin developing the committee structure for NOAC.

In December at the national planning meeting, the section chiefs, national committee members and key volunteers gather in Dallas for a four day planning meeting dedicated to preparing for the national conference. On the first evening of the planning meeting, the section chiefs elect the national chief and vice chief. These two Arrowmen will lead the planning conference and preparing for NOAC 2012. The next morning, the section chiefs gather by region to elect their region chief for the upcoming year.

Following the swearing in of the new national officers, section chiefs are assigned to a program planning committee by the national chief. Each program committee elects a conference vice chief who will lead their committee with specific NOAC responsibilities. Each section chief serves on one committee to prepare for the big event.

Some of the program committees include shows, training, activities and recreation, communications, The Outdoor Adventure Place, the Chiefs Corps and Inductions and Ceremonies Events. The final list of committees will be added following the national planning meeting in December.

Adult Advisers from National Committee

Members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee advise the youth planning committee members. The advisers bring many years of experience to assist the section chiefs and the national officers with putting their ideas into place for the national conference. The advisers are appointed by the Vice Chairman of National Events.

Support Staff

A national conference would not be possible without the 1,000 Arrowmen who serve on the support staff. Arrowmen staffing the national conference each serve on one the committees supporting a variety of functions such as housing, security, training, communications, registration, programs, shows, and more. Each staff member has responsibilities to help ensure the national conference runs smoothly. Arrowmen who apply to serve on staff are selected by the youth and adult leadership on the NOAC planning committees.