The Activities and Recreation Committee, known as ARC, is responsible for keeping Arrowmen entertained during NOAC. Don't miss your chance to participate in friendly competitions between lodges such as the Amazing Race, basketball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, Geocaching, Iron Arrowman, Lodge Ball, and the 5K Run.
The Grand Hodag, a combination of country, carnival and circus all in one, will include food and dozens of fun activities and game stations such as shuffleboard, caber tossing, cow lassoing, dunk tank, super soaker war, horseshoes, car-bashing, ping-pong and many more.
While not everyone can be an Olympian, this is your chance to bring home the gold medal! The Goodman Games test various skills from Baden-Powell Scouting games to low impact camping in the "Leave No Trace" zone. There is something for everyone. Make sure to bring your best game to ensure that your lodge is victorious in this series of challenging competitions.
Dust off those clubs and get ready for the fifth NOAC Golf Tournament, The Goodman Open. Here is your chance to compete against your brothers from all across the nation in what promises to be one of the most exciting and fun events at NOAC!