
Arrowmen Press Corps

If journalism is your area of interest, why not join the Arrowmen Press Corps! This summer at NOAC, the press corps members will be able to have special access to parts of NOAC that only few will see! The purpose of the Arrowmen Press Corps is to let Arrowmen report on parts of NOAC and send home articles and photos to their local newspaper or lodge newsletter. This not only gives the Arrowmen a taste of journalism, but also gives information to the Lodge or Chapter's local area newspaper so that people in the area know what happened and how much fun we had. Press corps members will get a daily schedule of the cool NOAC events that they can cover and can get assistance in editing articles and taking photos. Arrowmen wishing to join the press corps will be able to register through the NOAC registration website.

NOAC Radio

Looking for something to keep you entertained as you walk between training sessions? Need a good soundtrack when hanging out with your friends after the show? The NOAC radio will be broadcasting live all day long to bring you just that. Be sure to bring your radios to NOAC so you don’t miss out on hit music, weather updates and schedule changes as they happen. You also won’t want to miss out on the fun contests and giveaways that will be going on throughout the day. If you want to be part of the fun and excitement you can impress your friends by signing up for a chance to guest DJ. Finally, look for the NOAC Radio each night at the pre-show gatherings as we broadcast live from outside of the shows arena.

NOAC Meet the Man Sessions

Looking to meet some of the special guests who attend NOAC? This will be your chance at NOAC 2012. The Meet the Man sessions are interactive sessions where Arrowmen can ask questions, interact with the special guests, and learn about their life and their involvement with Scouting. The Meet the Man sessions feature the six national Order of the Arrow officers, members of the national Order of the Arrow committee, Boy Scouts of America professionals, and guests who attend NOAC for training sessions and leadership symposiums. The Meet the Man sessions are a great place to meet the NOAC 2012 special guests.

NOAC Live Website

Live from NOAC 2012 will have the latest news on what is happening at NOAC 2012. Arrowmen attending the conference will be able to check for program updates, schedule changes, and see what is happening at the conference. Arrowmen, Scouts, Scouters, and family members not attending NOAC will be able to check out all of the cool NOAC activities, Order of the Arrow program updates, videos, photos, the daily newspaper and more. The NOAC Live Website will be updated multiple times each day.

NOAC Daily Newspaper

Printed 5 times during the conference, the NOAC daily newspaper will highlight the day’s schedule, NOAC programs to look forward to and a review of the previous day’s events. The newspaper will include feature stories and daily contests. The NOAC daily newspaper will be your guide to what is happening at NOAC so be sure to pick up your copy daily at breakfast.