The best of the 55 Newsletters submitted were judged for ranking as Honor, Merit, Standard,or Participant. Congratulations are in order to all those who worked hard to make communications in their lodge's the best ever. Many lodges have their newsletters on their Web Site, so check them out for great ideas for yours.
HONOR newsletters are: The Arrowhead, Kit-Ke-O-Kut Lodge; Miwok Legend, Miwok Lodge; Arrow of Light, Nentico Lodge; The Meechgalanne, Tsoiotsi Tsogalii Lodge; and The Fox, Wag-O-Shag Lodge.
MERIT Lodge newsletters included those from the following lodges: Buckskin, Enda Lechauhanne and Shinnecock from Northeast Region; Manitous, Tatanka-Anpetu-Wi, Tetonwana and Wapashuwi from Central Region; Muscogee, Tipisa, Tonkawa, Tutelo, Wa-Hi-Nasa and Washita from Southern Region and Amangi Nacha and Ta Tanka from Western Region.
STANDARD Lodges newsletters were those from the following lodges: Cuyahoga, Makajawan, Mikano, Tecumseh and Wenasa Quenhotan Lodges from Central Region; Blue Heron, Cherokee, Echockotee, Mikanakawa, Nawakwa, Occoneechee, Ta Tsu Hwa and Tatanka Lodges from Southern Region; Allogagan, Ashokwahta, Black Eagle, Lekau, Madockawanda, Mantowagon, Moswetuset, Na Tsi Hi, Otahnagon and Wuntia Gokhos Lodges from Northeast Region. Tiwahe, Wauna La-Mon'tay, Wipala Wiki and Yah-Tah-Hey-Si-Kess from Western Region.
And finally, the PARTICIPANT Lodges newsletters were those from the following lodges: Aquehongian and Nentego from Northeast Region; Aina Topa Husti and Chicksa from Southern Region; Anpetu We, Kiskakon and Sac-N-Fox from Central Region and Malibu from Western Region.
The judges commented that the newsletters submitted showed a marked improvement over the previous Conference. The use of computers and publishing software has greatly improved our newsletters.
Revised 8/07/98.