Daily diversity: schedule rundown at NEXT
By: Owen Clapp
What does my 2:00 look like? For any event that brothers attend, especially a national event, a participant is bound to take some time to look at a schedule to mark out their journey for the day. Unlike most national events, the schedule at NEXT: A New Century will be a bit more personal. Each crew, which consists of current and future leaders from various lodges, will do different activities specific to that group.
With that fact in mind, an online database will be available where delegates can search for and look at their uniquely tailored daily schedule. The NEXT experience will be unique for each delegate, helping to shape the new century of the Order of the Arrow by making the NEXT experience personal and growth encouraging.
In every evening edition of XtraXtra, each delegate will be sent a link to his or her personal schedule. The personalization of a delegate’s schedule will allow for the maximization of the program, so that everyone can experience every NEXT brainstorming event and exciting fellowship opportunity within the space of Indiana University.
All attendees should look for the daily schedule in their inboxes, and can also look up their daily schedule on next.oa-bsa.org/home/schedule by typing in their specific crew code. With a real time updating schedule, NEXT is sure to bring excitement and freshness to traditional scheduling methods that most people are used to. Look for your unique schedule each evening in XtraXtra, and make sure it isn’t in your spam folder!