Innovation Day Recap
Now it’s our turn.
In 20 years, will you say you helped reimagine the future of the OA?
Will you say you redefined servant leadership in the context of innovation?
Will you Explore, Dream, and Discover?
As you go about the remainder of your experience here at NEXT, ponder these questions carefully:
- How might LeaderX help us “catch the tradewinds” of creativity in the Order of the Arrow?
- How might we “throw off the bowlines” and sail away from the safe harbor?
LeaderX: Now that you’ve learned it, take it home to master and practice it. Utilize these simple guides to keep the strategy fresh in your mind as you go forth and innovate!
The Innovation Center on the second floor of McNutt is open for business! Crews are welcome to stop in and use cutting edge technology and tools to hone their new LeaderX brainstorming skills. Who knows—there may even be a Pokémon lurking about!
Entrepreneur Drew Mitchell expressed the importance of bringing others onboard and sharing your vision. True leadership requires fostering creativity and imagination in others. Remember to focus on understanding the needs of those you serve, whether it’s in your brainstorming sessions tomorrow and Tuesday or back at home in your lodge.