Training Sessions

Learning the Plan

Each morning and afternoon, training sessions were held for the participants.   During the mornings on Sunday and Monday each region went to two of the four focus sessions of the Summit.  These are the Lodge Leadership Development Training, OA Troop/Team Representative Program, Quality Lodge Program, and the New Role of the Section.

In the afternoon, 19 separate sessions where held during a four hour period offering more information on a wide variety of topics.  Some of these are: Teaching Arrowmen to Communicate Our Strategy (TACOS), Preserving Our Order of the Arrow History, Total Outdoor Arrowmen Development (TOAD), New Order of the Arrow Ceremonial Manuals, Recognition and Awards for Individuals and Lodges, Section Officer Training, and Making the OA Troop Representative Program Happen in the Lodge.

Arrowmen received a binder with general topic information and also a variety of handouts in each session.  The new Guide for Officers and Advisers and the current Order of the Arrow Handbook were also included in the binder.

This page revised 8/1/99.