Chief Farewell
Dear Valued Guests and Staff,
We cannot thank you enough for being a part of our 100th anniversary conference. It has been one wild ride but, overall, the conference has been a rousing success. Arrowmen have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to be a part of this celebration and we have collectively pledged 100 days of service through the #DAREtoDO program. There is only one thing left to do: return home and spread the message to our brothers.
As we all know, many people in our Order were unable to attend this historic conference. While we hope that they had a chance to celebrate our centennial with our ArrowTour program over the summer, it is YOUR job to spread the information that you received from trainings and shows this week. Take the message of cheerful service home with you and convince your lodge members to accept this challenge, too. Together, we can make a difference around the world, as it truly does “Start with Us.”
By pledging to spread the word about our new campaign, we will work to better the image of the Order, both in Scouting and within our nation’s collective conscience. The Order has been committed to cheerful service for 100 years now and we will continue to spread that labor and good cheer in our next century.
Have a safe trip home and thank you once again for making our centennial conference such a huge success. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming lodge, section and national events!
Your chiefs,
Alex Call
Donnie Stephens
Joey Dierdorf
Matt Bell
Alex Leach
Nathan Lee