NOAC Ham Radio
By Scott Valcourt
The K2BSA/9 ham radio portion of the Adventure Central – STEM team will be holding a daily net starting at 9:00 am EDT on the 443.775+ MHz repeater (pl = 136.5 Hz, echolink = 338340 or N9UMJ-R). At NOAC, the station will be located in the courtyard by the Collins Living-Learning Center on the campus of Indiana University.
The team will also monitor that repeater at least from 12:30 to 5:00 pm on Monday through Thursday and from 9:30 am through 3:00 pm on Friday. During those time periods the team will also be on the 40 and 20 meter HF bands using primarily 7.270 MHz and 14.270 MHz. The 147.180+ repeater (pl = 136.5 Hz) will also be monitored as much as possible.
Stop by and talk to ham radio operators from around the country who are calling into NOAC 2018!