With NOAC 2022 almost here, there are a few items we want to be sure you don’t forget to pack.
- Breathable clothing for warm days and cool evenings
- Sleeping garments
- Closed-toed walking shoes
- Hiking Daypack or School backpack
- Rain jacket
- Jacket
- Long pants (may be required for certain activities)
- Hat or cap
- Medical Form – BSA AHMR Parts A, B & C (collected by contingent leader)
- Activity-specific waivers (will be notified per above)
- Camera
- Flashlight
- Mask / Face Covering
- Sunscreen
- Smartphone or tablet (to access conference app)
- Charging cables
- Field uniforms / Class A
- Activity uniforms / Class B (for daily activities)
- Water bottle
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, shaving needs)
- Shower shoes
- Face masks (Scarves and Gaiters will not suffice)
- Hand Sanitizer
All conference delegates and staff are to be in full Scout uniform at all evening shows. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, training sessions, day time and evening activities and events, delegates and staff may wear a NOAC, OA, or Scout t-shirt or golf shirt with their Scout shorts or trousers during the conference; however, the official Scout uniform is appropriate to wear at any point during the conference.
The following items ARE PROHIBITED inside the Thompson-Bowling Arena:
- Nonclear bags of any size except as listed for medically necessary items
- Diaper bags
- Backpacks of any size
- Alcoholic beverages
- Cans, glass bottles, coolers
- Open umbrellas
- Unmanned aircraft
- Large bags or parcels, including backpacks and purses
- Weapons, including pocket knives
- Hover boards
- Segways
- Artificial noisemakers
- Large travel strollers
- Posters and signage
- Balloons
- Wrapped gifts or gift bags