Important Dates
Registration deadline for teams.
Contestants and teams check-in will take place at the AIA office during registration.
Mandatory competitions meeting for all contestants, teams and judges. This meeting will be held 30 minutes following the opening show.
Competition Guidelines
Powwow Exhibition Team Dance
The Powwow Exhibition Team Dance is a competition allowing youth to use their modern day powwow dance clothes for another competition other than the individual dance style competitions. This is another way for the AIA program to “fuel the fire” for our youth Arrowmen across the nation. Much like a high school cross-county team, you race for yourself in individual competition and now for your team as well.
Northern and Southern Singing Competitions
Drum members MUST be from the same lodge. All drum members must be under 21 years of age at the time of the competition, members of the Order of the Arrow, and registered participants at the event. Each lodge is allowed to enter one team. All singing must be done in a team fashion. Drums must furnish their own drum and drum stand if used. Drum sticks are the responsibility of the singers. Chairs will be provided.
Hand Drum Competition
This is a new competition for the 2022 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Individuals and Hand Drum team members MUST be from the same lodge. All drum members must be under 21 years of age at the time of the competition, members of the Order of the Arrow, and registered participants at the event. A lodge may enter individual(s) or teams of no more than three (3). Individuals and groups must furnish their own hand drums and drum sticks. A contestant cannot enter as both an individual and as a part of a team.
Arts and Crafts Competition
The AIA Staff wants to welcome each of you and encourage your participation in the upcoming NOAC Arts and Crafts Competition. The purpose of the Arts and Crafts Competition is to help preserve the skills and talents necessary to make high quality, historically accurate Native American style materials. Across the broad spectrum of Native American crafts, the competition seeks to encourage contemporary crafts persons to do the research and attain the expertise necessary to ensure that these cultural arts are not forgotten. The competition also provides our community an opportunity to formally recognize those artists and crafts persons who have excelled in this realm.
Individual Dance Competition Guidelines
Any number of Contestants from each lodge may participate in the Individual Dance Competitions. The top ten dancers in each category will perform and be recognized at the powwow. The top three (3) dancers in each category will be recognized with awards at the Powwow on Friday, July 29, 2022.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Men’s Chicken Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a Chicken Dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in the Northern Plains and across the country.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Men’s Contemporary Traditional
This outline is designed to summarize what a male Contemporary Traditional dancer wears at a modern day powwow. It represents the research done by the use of photos and personal experiences at powwows.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Men’s Fancy Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a Fancy Feather dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in Oklahoma, the northern plains, and across the country. Some relevant works on the subject of Fancy Feather Dancing dance clothes include:
Clothes Coaching Outline – Men’s Grass Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a male modern Grass Dancer should wear on the dance floor.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Men’s Old Time Sioux
This outline is designed to summarize what a male Sioux dancer would have worn from ca. 1900-1930. It represents the research done by the use of vintage photos and authentic examples of outfit components.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Men’s Straight Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a Straight Dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in Oklahoma and across the country. Some relevant works on the subject of Straight Dancing dance clothes include:
(1) Men’s Southern Straight Dance DVD video, Full Circle Communications.
(2) Many articles in past hobbyist publications, including The American Indian Hobbyist; American Indian Traditions; American Indian Crafts & Culture; Moccasin Tracks, and Whispering Wind Magazine. Although most of the above listed magazines are out of print, Xeroxed copies of the various articles mentioned are available.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Women’s Fancy Shawl Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a Women’s Fancy Shawl dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in the Northern Plains and across the country.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Women’s Jingle Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a Women’s Jingle Dress dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in the Northern Plains and across the country.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Northern Women’s Traditional Dance
This outline is designed to summarize what a Northern Women’s Traditional dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in the Northern Plains and across the country.
Clothes Coaching Outline – Southern Women’s Traditional Dance Plains or Lakes
This outline is designed to summarize what a Southern Women’s Traditional -Plains or Lakes dancer would wear at a contemporary powwow. It represents the norm as defined by modern dancers in the Southern Plains or Lakes areas across the country.