Note: Arrowmen desiring to serve on staff should apply through a different
process using the staff application, available at www.oa-bsa.org
after September 30, 2007.
Step 1: Complete Form A (Due 11/15/07) - Council Contingent Coordinator
Completed and signed by Lodge Key 3.
Requires appointment of a youth and adult to coordinate the council's
contingent to all five ArrowCorps5
sites. Contingent Coordinators will be a primary contact for
correspondence from the national office.
A valid email address must be sent for the youth and adult Contingent
Estimate the number of participants that the council anticipates sending
to each site. This estimate neither commits the council nor secures those
Step 2: Complete Form B (Due 02/01/08) - Council Deposit Transmittal Form.
Completed by Council Contingent Coordinators.
Include the name, birth date, and sites to be attended for each
Include $100 non-refundable deposit per participant per site. For
instance, Johnny Arrowman is going to the Virginia and Missouri ArrowCorps5
sites - the council should submit two $100 non-refundable deposits for a total
of $200.
Councils may reproduce Form B as necessary.
A council may wish to send in several waves of deposits (e.g. send Form B on
January 10 and then again on January 25 when more Arrowmen have signed
up). This is acceptable. Indeed, councils are encouraged to submit
deposits as soon as possible to secure slots at the desired sites.
The national office will mail a paper receipt (which is Form D). Council
Coordinators should retain copies of these receipts as part of the council's
payment records.
Step 3: Complete Form C (05/01/08) - Participant Agreement and Information
Form C requires the participants' contact information, dietary requirements,
preferred recreation activity, medical information, agreement with the Code of
Conduct and Statement of Understanding, and approval by the Scout Executive.
Contingent Coordinators should distribute Form C to each participant.
Copies will be available at www.oa-bsa.org after February 1, 2008.
Form C is completed by each participant (and their parent/guardian if under
Once completed, Contingent Coordinators should gather copies of Form C from
each participant, obtain Scout Executive approval, and forward them to the
national office. Copies of Form C may be submitted along with Form D, but contingents
are encouraged to mail them as soon as possible to allow for appropriate
Step 4: Complete Form D (Due 05/01/08) - Council Fee Transmittal Form.
A copy will be mailed to the council office upon receipt of Form B.
Completed by Council Contingent Coordinators.
Include any outstanding fees for all participants.
Step 5: Participants Complete Class 3 Medical Form (Due at Arrival)
Participants must bring a completed and signed BSA Personal Health and Medical
Record, Class 3, No. 34412 to each
project site they attend.
Participants arriving without a Class 3 Medical Form will be sent home.