Meet the Man - National BSA Staff

On Monday members from the National BSA Staff held a general meeting to answer some of the questions members may have about the BSA and the Order of the Arrow.  Present to answer the questions from the audience were Mr. McChesney, BSA Division Director; Mr. Bates, Camping and Conservation Director; Mr. Dalrymple, BSA Advancement Chair and NESA Director; Mr. Glascock, BSA Research and Development; Mr. Miller, Associate National Director of the OA ; and Mr. Mayer, National Director of the OA. As previously discussed, Arrowmen not present at NOAC were given the opportunity to email questions in, some of which were answered at today's session.  The national staff members joked around and had fun with some of the questions. Here are a few of the questions from today's session and their answers.

Question: Who is the most important person at the Ordeal?
Answer: The candidate

Question: Where will the 2002 and 2004 NOAC be held?
Answer: 2002 Indiana University, 2004 Iowa State University

Question: Why can't members of a Venturing Crew be elected to the Order?
Answer: Because Venturing does not have a rank that equals the Boy Scouts' First Class rank, which is required to become eligible for the OA

Question: Will there be a phasing out of the American Indian traditions?
Answer: No, not at all.  There now will be more to do with them

Question: Will there be a National call out ceremony?
Answer: No.  There are guidelines, but it would be better for lodges to use their own ideas

Question: Is there going to be a version of Woodbadge tailored especially for Venturing Crew Advisers?  What other types of Venturing training beyond Woodbadge is being planned?
Answer: There has been work on a new Woodbadge program, not only for Boy Scouts, but for all Scouting programs: Venturing, Cub Scouts, etc. This program will teach outdoor skills and leadership skills.

Revised 8/1/00.