On Tuesday, members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee held a general meeting to answer questions from participants about the Order of the Arrow.
Present to answer questions from the audience were veteran Arrowmen and member of the Founder's Advisory Council, Mr. Sullivan; Chief of the Delaware Indians, Chief Curtis Zunigha; Chairman of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, Mr. Haddock; National Chief, Carey Mignery; National Vice Chief, Jordan Hitchens; Vice Chairman of Communications and Marketing, Mr. Butler, NE Region OA Chair, Mr. Reddin and Southern Region OA Chair, Mr. Strawbridge.
Arrowmen not present at NOAC were given the opportunity to email questions in through Cyber Meet the Man. Some of those questions were answered at today's session. Here are a few of the questions from today's session and their answers.
Question: Has your
Social life changed since you were elected to national office?
(this question was directed at Carey and Jordan)
Answer: (Carey)
Yes, it has. I have had to do things with
family and friends at times that might not be the best time.
Although I have met many new people and made new friends who will
last a lifetime.
Answer: (Jordan) I have made a
ton of new friends. I have gone to new places and have been able to
do things that I might not have done. There have also been things that I wanted
to do, but lost the chance. I have also lost two girlfriends by
putting Scouting first.
Question: Will there be a Summit in 2002?
Answer: No, there may be a Summit in 2003.
Question: When will we know where the 2006 NOAC will be?
Answer: The 2006 NOAC location will be decided by May 2001. Right now we are taking bids
on it and a committee will decide which site is best.
Question: How do you get on the National Committee?
Answer: Either
be elected Section Chief and then during the National Planning Meeting be
elected as National
Chief, National Vice Chief, or Region Chief. Members are also appointed by the Chair, Brad Haddock.
Revised 8/2/00.