Founder's Day Committee
A. Youth Committee Members and Assignments
B. Adult Committee Advisers
C. Goals and Objectives
D. Preliminary Program plans for the Conference
A. Youth Committee Members and Assignments:
- Robert Rodriguez - Conference Vice Chief
- - Other Events, Management, Stage Scheduling
- Dave Yoder
- - ArrowFair 2000
- Keith Brodock
- - Coordinating Guest Speaker,
Rededication Ceremony, Tshirt Factory
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B. Adult Committee Advisers:
David Halliday - Lead Adviser
Douglas Fullman
Charles Haseman
Brian Hashiro
Del Loder
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C. Goals and Objectives:
- Provide an exciting day that focuses on the Founder's
concepts of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service.
- Showcase new ideas from outstanding lodges across
the country
- Provide learning and inspiration so attendees will
promote and implement the skills and traditions of NOAC back home
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D. Preliminary Program plans for the Conference:
Founder's Day - OA's All Star Showcase!
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Revised 4/21/00.