As we all know, the Order of the Arrow is full of the best people, ideas, and programs. On the morning of Founder's Day, selected lodges from across the country will deliver short, 15-minute presentations, workshops, and demonstrations about topics at which they excel.
If a lodge is selected to do a presentation at the Best of the Best, it will be designated an official Founder's Lodge for NOAC 2000, recognized with a special award, and the presenters will receive BOB caps.
If selected, your lodge provides:
The NOAC staff provide:
The lodge could be the best at almost anything (don't feel limited to the suggestions below). Here are some sample presentation ideas. Our lodge is one of the best at:
To get a chance for your lodge to show off at this Founder's day with participation in the Best Of the Best please submit a short statement of your Lodge's interest with a topic and brief description. Also provide a contact name, address, telephone number, and email address. (See application below). Your lodge will be notified if it is selected as a Founder's lodge to provide a presentation.
Send the completed application to:
Brian Leech
12 N. Western Dr.
Bozeman, MT 59718
Or email it to
Our Lodge, _________________________ # _______ would like to make
a presentation as a Founder's Lodge during the Best Of the Best
on the morning of Wednesday, August 2, 2000, that will show off
an aspect of our OA program in which we excel.
Someone to contact for information from the lodge is:
Telephone number:
E-mail (optional):
The 15 min. session will be on:
Some details on the session:
[ArrowFair 2000] [Best of the Best] [Founder's Day Parade] [Other Events]
Revised 7/6/00.