NOAC 2002 Call-Out Ceremony Evaluation Details
The ceremony of emphasis at NOAC 2002 is the Call-Out. More Scouts
view the Call-Out ceremony than will ever have the chance to view
the other ceremonies of the Order of the Arrow. Therefore, lodges
should place special emphasis on the performance of the Call-Out
ceremonies to ensure that their Call-Outs are well presented in
order to make a great first impression with the candidates and to
also to showcase the OA to non-members.
The purpose of a Call-Out is to officially recognize each elected
Scout as a candidate for membership in the Order of the Arrow. The
Call-Out is a form of public recognition used to communicate the
honor of being selected for membership into our Order to members,
non-members, and the public. Its dignity must impress all with the
high ideals and standards of the Order. It should serve to
intensify a Scout's desire to become a member.
The National Order of the Arrow Committee does not provide
lodges with a specific Call-Out ceremony. The committee has
instead produced a list of
Key Elements
that all Call-Out ceremonies
should include. Each lodge should develop its own Call-Out
ceremony that incorporates these items as well as information
about its lodge history and traditions.
Call-Out Ceremony Evaluation Procedures at NOAC 2002:
- A team will sign up for a Call-Out evaluation period
from 1:30 - 5:00 PM.
- Evaluations will take place Sunday and Monday afternoon.
- An Evaluation Coordinator will oversee each venue and
coordinate the entire evaluation process from start to finish.
- The Evaluation Coordinator, a memory evaluator, and youth
members of the ceremony teams will perform the evaluations.
- The team must provide three printed copies of their
Call-Out ceremony to the Evaluation Coordinator prior to the
start of their teams' evaluation. Memorization of Call-Out
ceremonies will be evaluated based on the printed script
provided by the team to the Evaluation Coordinator at their
venue. Candidate names, units, and communities may be read.
- There will be no scoring; rather, the focus will be on
education and training.
- An evaluation of the characters' costumes will take place
at the venue. This will be coordinated in conjunction with
the American Indian Activities Committee.
- The Call-Out ceremony should not exceed 10 minutes, plus
the time it takes to announce the candidates.
- Call-Outs should include all nine (9)
Key Call-Out Elements
and comply with the
Call-Out Guidelines.
- Each team member, up to a maximum of four per team, that
presents a Call-Out that includes the nine (9)
Key Call-Out Elements
and complies with the
Call-Out Guidelines
will receive a ceremony medal.
- If a team fails to include any of the above items, it
will be given an opportunity to correct the error and give
another presentation to enable it to quality for a medal.
- Teams must participate in the evaluation process for an
entire evaluation period (1:30 - 5:00) in order to receive a
ceremony medal.
Please also read the
General Information for all
Ceremony Evaluations, which applies to this event.
Ceremony Evaluation Sheet (6 Kbyte PDF)
The Call-Out Ceremony Evaluation Sheet is in "Portable
Document Format" (PDF).
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