Goodman Gala
Fireworks, ice cream and brotherhood were the agenda for
this final event of NOAC 2002.
Founders Day Powwow
Over 250 dancers attended the Founders Day Pow Wow. A Blanket Dance
raised money for the Maury Clancy Indian Campership Fund.
Man on the Street
See what Arrowmen are doing on the way home and how they plan
to put their new knowledge to work in their home lodges.
NOAC 2004
The next NOAC will be held at Iowa State University, in Ames, Iowa. Plan
now to attend.
Founders Day Giveaways!
"I'll take Free Stuff for $500, Alex..."
Closing Comments
A final note from the Brian Love,
the youth in charge of the NOAC Live! Web Site team.
An Adviser's Comments
Doug Kupec shares some thoughts on this year's NOAC Live! coverage.
Want to give feedback on the NOAC Live! Web Site? Here's where you can
do it. We invite feedback to improve service to you.
Time to go home...