Competition Results

Lodge Spirit Award

The Lodge Spirit Award results are listed on a separate page.

Lodge Web Site Competition

The Lodge Web Site Competition results are listed on a separate page.

ARC Individual Events

5K Run
1. Earl B.
2. Mark W.
3. Ben B.

Iron Arrowman
Water Relay
1. Adam M.
2. Wade B.
3. John F.

Wall Climb
1. Aaron M.
2. Dave L.
3. Andrew M.

Car Pull
1. Edward F.
2. John S.
3. John D.

5K Run
1. Lee N.
2. Chris T.
3. Daniel K

Water Hold
1. Dave S.
2. Joe F.
3. Joseph N.

Iron Arrowman Adult Events
Car Pull
1. Dale S.
2. Markie N.

Water Hold
1. Dale S.
2. Markie N.

Water Relay
1. Dale S.
2. Markie N.

Wall Climb
1. Markie N.
2. Dale S.

5K Run
1. Markie N.

Redneck Games

Final Team Results
1. Sipp-O Lodge team 1, Canton OH, 110 points
2. Gabe-Shi-Win-Gi-Ji-Kens Lodge, Lansing MI, 105 points
3. Awaxtawe' Awachia Lodge team 2, Ogden UT, 98 points
4. Colonneh Lodge, Houston TX, 93 points

Potato Sack Race
1. Ahoalan-Nachikin Lodge, Memphis TN
2. Seminole Lodge team 3, Tampa FL
3. Michigamea Lodge team 3, Munster IN

Three Legged Race
1. Wisawanik Lodge, Ardmore OK
2. Awaxtawe' Awachia Lodge team 2, Ogden OH
3. Colonneh Lodge, Houston TX

Bobbing For Pigs' Feet
1. Tipisa Lodge, Apopka FL
2. Sipp-O Lodge team 1, Canton OH
3. Washita Lodge team 2, Bartlesville OK

Cow Tipping
1. Colonneh Lodge, Houston TX
2. Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge team 4, Nashville TN
3. Wisawanik Lodge, Ardmore OK

Cricket Spitting
1. Colonneh Lodge, Houston TX
2. Netopalis Sipo Schipinachik Lodge team 2, Fort Worth TX
3. Gamenowinink Lodge, Irving TX

Lawn Darts
1. Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge team 4, Nashville TN
2. Awaxtawe' Awachia Lodge team 2, Ogden UT
3. Colonneh Lodge, Houston TX

Tire Toss
1. Langundowi Lodge, Erie PA
2. Netopails Sipo Schipinachik Lodge team 1, Fort Worth, TX
3. Talligewi Lodge, Louisville KY

1. Gabe-Shi-Win-Gi-Ji-Kens Lodge, Lansing MI
2. Awaxtawe' Awachia Lodge team 2, Ogden UT
3. Catawba Lodge, Charlotte NC

Fish Casting
1. Ahoalan-Nachikin Lodge, Memphis TN
2. Seminole Lodge team 1, Tampa FL
3. Cuwe Lodge, Flint MI

Reverse Limbo
1. Octoraro Lodge, Westchester PA
2. Wichita-Wisawanie Lodge, Wichita Falls, TX
3. Washita Lodge team 2, Bartlesville OK

Hip Wader Relay
1. Gabe-Shi-Win-Gi-Ji-Kens Lodge, Lansing MI
2. Washita Lodge team 2, Bartlesville OK
3. Waupecan Lodge, Morris IL


Lodge Historical Display Competition

National Champion
Onteroraus Lodge

Honor Lodges
Konepaka Ketiwa Lodge - Central Region Champion
Onteroraus Lodge - Northeast Region Champion
Washita Lodge - Souther Region Champion
Hungteetsepoppi Lodge - Western Region Champion

Merit Lodges
Atta Kulla Lodge
Awaxaawe' Awachia Lodge
Blue Ox Lodge
Coosa Lodge
Kidi Kidish Lodge
Wauna La-Mon ' Tay Lodge
Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge
Wichita Lodge

Lodge Oral History Presentation Competition

Honor Lodges
Blue Heron Lodge
Colonneh Lodge

Merit Lodges
Amangamek-Wipit Lodge
Washita Lodge

AIA Individual Dance Competition

1. Joshua S. - Tonkawa Lodge
2. Travis S. - Aal-Pa-tah Lodge
3. Joshua D. - Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge
4. Edward M. - Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk Lodge
5. Aric W. - Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge

1. Michael D. - Mawat Woakus Lodge
2. Antonio D. - Tonkawa Lodge
3. Cory M. - Skyuka Lodge
4. Geoffrey R. - Wiatava Lodge
5. Cory D. - Klahican Lodge

Old Style
1. Philip P. - Cuyahoga Lodge
2. Raymond L. - Eswau Huppeday Lodge
3. Michael M. - Mowogo Lodge
4. Ryan B. - Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge
5. Brian M. - Eswau Huppeday Lodge

1. Matthew S. - Colonneh Lodge
2. Jed H. - Unali'Yi Lodge
3. Lorenzo G. - Tonkawa Lodge
4. Greg B. - Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge
5. Cade K. - Colonneh Lodge

1. Brandon G. - Tutelo Lodge
2. Sean W. - Sequoyah Lodge
3. Travis W. - Colonneh Lodge
4. Maxwell C. - Pellissippi Lodge
5. Roberto B. - Karankawa Lodge

AIA Team Competition

Team Dance Competition
1. Eswau Huppeday Lodge
2. Karankawa Lodge
3. Owaneco Lodge
4. Ti'Ak Lodge
5. Witauchsoman Lodge

Team Singing Competition Results – Northern Drum
1. Kuskitannee Lodge
2. Owaneco Lodge
3. Ah'Tic Lodge
4. Sakuwit Lodge

Team Singing Competition Results – Southern Drum
1. Tonkawa Lodge
2. Pellissippi Lodge
3. Klahican Lodge
4. Karankawa Lodge
5. Muscogee Lodge

ARC Lodge Events

1. Wiatava Lodge
2. Tutelo Lodge
3. Unami Lodge
4. Wagion Lodge

1. Amangamek-Wipit Lodge
2. Hugteetsepoppi Lodge
3. Nischa Chuppecat Lodge

Ultimate Frisbee
1. Owaneco Lodge
2. Mowogo Lodge
3. Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge
4. Chippewa Lodge

Flag Football
1. Shawnee Lodge
2. Egwa-tawa-dee Lodge

1. Chippewa Lodge
2. Echockotee Lodge
3. Honan-Ne-He-Ont Lodge

ICE Ceremonies Competition

Information not yet received.


Revised 8/9/2004.