Home Archive for category "Order of the Arrow" (Page 15)

Patch Trading Between Youth and Adults

New for this NOAC, patch trading is permitted between youth and adults during the evening trading sessions supervised by volunteers from the International Scouting Collectors Association (ISCA). ISCA volunteers, identifiable by a blue ISCA vest, will be monitoring patch trading in the Jenison Field House each evening and will be available for questions or concerns.

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Listen and learn from our Legacy Speakers

The NOAC Legacy Speaker Series begins Tuesday in the Kellogg Center Auditorium. The Legacy Speaker Series is an opportunity for guests to hear from various speakers throughout the week talking about their legacy and background, and to ask the speakers questions. Joshua Hone, conference vice chief of special events, says “The Legacy Speaker Series will

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Masonic Scouters & Demolay members to meet at Student Union

A reception for all Masonic Scouters, members of the Order of DeMolay, and interested guests will be held on Tuesday, July 31 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. on the fourth floor of the MSU Student Union Tower. Capital Lodge of Strict Observance Masonic Lodge #66, F&AM, of Lansing and the National Association of Masonic Scouters

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