
Inspiring Our Future: The VIA Luncheon

by Joe Donahue

Throughout the course of this week, lodge chiefs, lodge advisers, and the youngest Arrowman in each lodge are attending luncheons for very important Arrowmen (VIA).  These guests joined several national officers and NOAC Staff members to engage in discussions on how to leave a legacy in their lodge, section, and as a part of the whole Order.  In addition to the national officers of the OA, Tico Perez, National Commissioner of the Boy Scouts and Alf Tuggle, Assistant Chief Scout Executive and Chief Financial Officer of the Boy Scouts, attended.  The OA Brotherhood Band also performed.

National Vice Chief Preston Marquis had the opportunity to speak to the participants during the meal.  Preston discussed how guests’ efforts in leaving a legacy benefit the whole Order.  “Each of you is helping to put forward a positive image for the Order and for Scouting,” he said.

Each guest received a print of the Legend of the Order of the Arrow, a special VIA patch, and the Centennial Crate.  Described during Tuesday night’s show, and further described at the luncheon, the Centennial Crate features tasks that lodges can do to prepare for the Order of the Arrow’s centennial anniversary in 2015. When lodges arrive at the 2015 NOAC, they should bring their crate with tasks completed, to celebrate the centennial.

Each of the guests left the luncheon fully prepared and ready to lead their lodge into the centennial anniversary and beyond.

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Trading Post Announcement

by Andre Giacalone

Trading Post Contest Winners

The Trading Post has announced its winners for this week’s contests:

The winners for guessing how many packaging pieces are in the backpack are Paul Van Loenen of Lodge 358 & Aaron Pieluck of Lodge 180.

The winner for guessing how many beads were in the toothpick holder is Thomas Calvert of Lodge 326.

The winners for guessing how many candy pieces were in the pencil holder are Dennis Smigiera of Lodge 380, Jonathan Healy of Lodge 165, and Tyler Tushhoffu of Lodge 100.

If you are a winner please pick up your prize today at the Brody Trading Post, which closes at 12:00 p.m. Congratulations to all who participated and those who won!

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NOAC 2012 – Technology Fire Sale

Published on August 3, 2012 by in NOAC


Thank you for supporting NOAC!

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